I wish I had the time to sit and describe my two friends. Sitting here, I have a broad smile plastered on my face because I cannot think of either of them without first being grateful that God saw fit to bring them into my life and then second being grateful for all the humor they have each brought to my life as well. They are wise, trusted friends and mentors, but they are also a fairly constant source of hilarity. I think the best way to explain it is to tell the story of the crown of thorns. (Keep in mind that I cannot do this without laughing out loud. The laughter tears don't usually start until I watch the video.)
We all attend a small, Independent Baptist Church together. (Like I said, Mary's husband is our pastor.) We usually have a Mother/Daughter Banquet each year. A few years back a group of us were getting the church ready for the banquet. There is a large wooden cross that hangs over the baptistery. Someone had given the church a crown of thorns but it had never been placed on the cross. Mary decided that she wanted it put in place for the banquet. Keep in mind, there are five of us there and not a single one of us happened to have a ladder handy. So, Mary and Carolyn put their heads together and improvised. I happened to have my camera on hand and I recorded much of the event. I was a little sick at the time and was doing everything in my power not to laugh too hard or to surrender to the coughing fit my laughter was triggering. Please, brace yourself for what is to follow.....
(Wiping tears from my eyes...) You have to understand that that crown had fallen off those brooms several times BEFORE I remembered that my camera could take video. I was convinced that before it was all over, our crown of thorns would be nothing but a crown of vines because all the thorns would have broken off in the countless falls to the bottom of the baptistery! But, they eventually got it up there and it is in exactly the same position to this day. (This was filmed in June of 2008.)
So, you see what it's like when Mary and Carolyn get together. This is just one of their many adventures. Needless to say, my day at the quilt expo was filled with lots of laughter, which was just what I needed. We had a wonderful time. At least I did. And when we got back to Mary's house, Carolyn reminded me that she had some food she'd fixed for me in her freezer. Mary suggested I go by to pick it up then, which was a wonderful idea because it meant I didn't have to cook today! So I followed Carolyn home and she packed up a meatloaf, several twice-baked potatoes, an ice cream bucket of vegetable soup, another ice cream bucket of chili, 2 quart jars of canned tomatoes, and a plate of pineapple upside down cake. Then we visited for a while longer before I finally went home with my army's worth of food.
We had the meatloaf and potatoes for lunch of Friday. I'm going to probably have some of the soup Saturday. Thank you, Lord, for my friends!
Here are just a few of the pics I took at the quilt expo:

There are lots more, of course. It was a really nice show with a lot of beautiful pieces of art. As I've said, I had a wonderful time. Carolyn's sister, Shirley (who has her own heavy cross to bear) had lunch with us and gave me a daily devotional book called, Streams in the Desert. She included a very sweet personal note. I love the book already.
I wish I could have gotten this posted a little sooner, but I was pretty worn out Thursday by the time I got home and I was busy most of Friday, so it's taken me this long. I have several other things I'm hoping to get put up in the next couple of days, but I do have my next chemo on Monday and I don't know how that will go. Hopefully, it'll be as easy as the first one was.
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
P.S. If anyone is interested, the music in the video is "What Grace Is Mine" by Keith & Kristyn Getty.
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