

Monday, April 20, 2009

There's a local story about a woman who apparently has poisoned several of her neighbors' cats. There are two women in her neighborhood who are managing cat colonies, following the guidelines put out by groups like Alley Cat Allies.
They trapped the cats and had them spayed/neutered and got them vaccinated. One family had a dog that escaped from their back yard when a workman left the gate open and it died soon after. The woman apparently keeps a bowl of antifreeze out on her porch. And it isn't just the feral cats that have disappeared. There are miscellaneous other family cats that have vanished as well. The woman also apparently hired a local business to trap and remove the cats. She was paying $45 a cat for the company to catch and either kill or dump the cats in another county. The SPCA and the police are involved now and I can only hope the woman is charged with something. Unfortunately, the laws are nowhere near to adequate in this area, but at least if she is charged then maybe the next person will think twice before they torture their neighbors' animals with poison. I find the entire situation horrifying.

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